Campus and community-wide Challah baking event


Students attend a Challah baking event with their parents and grandparents

We're more than just a school

SDJA is more than a school – we are a welcoming, vibrant, supportive community. Our community includes students of course, but also parents, alumni, and the broader San Diego Jewish community. Each group is vital to helping make SDJA an exceptional learning environment for current and future generations. Through the commitment of time, energy, financial support, and/or leadership, members of our extended community help our students grow and thrive. 

Be part of our community


Parents are partners in their child’s SDJA experience. Throughout the school year, there are many opportunities for parents to get involved on campus. We are grateful for the ongoing presence and support of our parent community. 


SDJA alumni are active leaders and members of our local community and in other communities across the world. We host events for alumni to connect with each other and stay engaged with the school and the greater SDJA community. 

Facility Rental

In addition to hosting the San Diego Jewish community for events on campus, our state-of-the-art facilities are available for individuals and organizations to rent for celebrations, meetings, and sporting activities. 

Camp Carmel Creek

Camp Carmel Creek is a unique specialty camp with a classic camp feel. Our campers can expect to have all the experiences they love in a day camp, while getting to choose the activities they are most passionate about doing each day.

What students & parents are saying

Tanya Mahller And Her Students GMLS

SDJA feels like our second home! We are fortunate to spend so much time on campus and partake in the wonderful Jewish traditions with our children.

SDJA Parent