Educational Philosophy

Early Childhood Center

Preschool students sit on the floor of a multipurpose room with their hands raised in the air.

The magic is in the journey

Preschool education is a journey of discovering essential skills that will empower children in everyday life, nurture relationships, and inspire readiness for Kindergarten and beyond. We are committed to helping each child reach their full potential across all developmental areas, cultivating a sense of self-worth and excitement for learning.

Our Philosophy

SDJA Early Childhood Center is a warm, friendly school where young children receive an exciting, creative, and nurturing foundation to grow emotionally, socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually! We see each child as a unique and precious gift entrusted to us.  In partnering with our families, we aim to provide our children with a strong academic and social foundation that encourages a lifelong love of learning.

We Believe

  • Children are competent, full of potential, and eager to pursue knowledge.
  • In educating the whole child by nurturing a child’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.
  • In fostering independence and creativity and appreciating each child’s needs and talents.
  • Preschool is a time for children and their families to strengthen their connection to Judaism and form friendships that last a lifetime.
Two preschoolers stand together on the playground.
A teacher gives instruction to preschool students during a PE class

Developmental Foundations & School Readiness

At the Early Childhood Center (ECC), play is the foundation of children's development, shaping their brains, inspiring their imaginations, and nurturing their spirits. Children gain school readiness and academic skills through dynamic learning environments tailored to individual interests. They thrive in stimulating settings, expressing their learning through inventing, building, painting, and engaging in dramatic play. 

Our dedicated teachers support each child's curiosity with age-appropriate, interdisciplinary activities, bringing their interests to life while broadening their horizons. We foster cooperative learning and self-control through positive guidance and encourage a thirst for knowledge with valuable questioning strategies.

Every day, children engage in hands-on sensory experiences and open-ended activities in music, art, literature, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), emphasizing the process of learning. Teachers document and share these experiences with parents through daily photos, classroom displays, and annual portfolios.